From egg to pasta: a quality supply chain

When we chose Eurovo as our egg supplier, we knew that we could count on a partner that shares our vision of sustainability, quality and innovation.

Eurovo is a prime example of how to integrate sustainable and virtuous practices throughout its business, from rearing to processing and distribution.
We were able to see this for ourselves during a visit to their premises on a hot day in late July. The welcome, openness, transparency and pride with which they guided us around every part of their facilities, clearly demonstrated the quality and virtue of the whole set-up.

The company is organised into a vertically integrated supply chain, allowing it to manage every stage of production in-house, from feed production to poultry farming, packaging and distribution of the finished product. A set-up designed to ensure that each step reflects the company’s ethics and philosophy, as well as intervening quickly in strategic decisions, guaranteeing the safety, quality and freshness of the final product.

Over the course of the day, we were able to see first-hand the efficiency and organisation of a business that handles an enormous number of chickens every day and an unparalleled volume of product, maintaining a high level of care and attention to detail with an artisan-style approach.

We are confident in stating that Eurovo has many of the fundamental pillars that make a company virtuous and sustainable, by adopting stringent practices to ensure food safety and promote a positive impact on the environment.

Being a vertically integrated supply chain has the advantage of facilitating the study and adoption of circular economy processes, an aspect that represents one of company’s fundamental pillars. During the day, we often discussed and shared common efforts to reduce and minimise waste, whether related to products, resources or energy.

The eggs are selected according to specific criteria: the ones intended for sale as whole eggs and those sent to processing centres to be transformed into egg products, such as egg whites, yolks, egg mix, pasteurised liquids or powder. The egg shells from the processing stage, which are rich in calcium carbonate, are used in farming after being carefully dried and turned into powder, while the poultry manure produced during the rearing stage is either sent to biogas plants or turned into natural fertiliser in the form of pellets (in a special plant on the farm). This process thus reuses a by-product with considerable benefits for the environment. Water is also carefully managed both in the rearing stage, with the installation of anti-waste drinking troughs, and during the industrial processes. Nothing goes to waste, and the commitment to sustainable management is constant and relayed throughout the supply chain.

In line with our efforts to reduce packaging, recycle and recover materials, we noted that Eurovo has also replaced plastic packaging with recyclable materials, mainly wood pulp, increasing the use of recycled materials and working on reducing both weight and volume.

In addition, the photovoltaic systems installed at Eurovo’s various facilities reduce dependence on fossil fuels, promoting energy self-sufficiency, a commitment that reflects our own commitment to an increasingly sustainable energy mix.

We were also relieved and reassured to witness advanced practices to ensure animal welfare and product quality. Eurovo uses a variety of rearing systems: barn and free-range organic, ensuring ample spaces and feed designed for the various growth stages of the hens at all times.
This is showcased in the quality of our eggs through the constant effort and care taken to ensure excellent levels of welfare.

During our visit, we were impressed by the modern aspect of Eurovo’s laboratory for technological experimentation and innovation. The space is one of the company’s most advanced innovations. This is where, in an environment that is a microcosm of the entire company, good practices and new recipes are tested on small quantities of product, reducing waste and maximising innovation before being applied on a large scale. We understand how important it is to invest in innovative technologies to improve production efficiency, quality and safety, thus optimising consumption and reducing emissions. A commitment that has led us to constantly upgrade our facilities, processes and procedures.

In addition to high-quality products and an innovative spirit, we also share a strong commitment with this key supplier to the protection of biodiversity and the preservation of local ecosystems. For Eurovo, this commitment translates into the planting of trees around the farm and the installation of beehives – a project also recently launched by Surgital in partnership with Beeway.


Located throughout Emilia Romagna, in other regions of Italy and in various European countries, Eurovo not only operates but creates job opportunities in a number of areas. Through its mission and vision, the company showcases how good practices and sustainability can improve the food business, supported by the fundamental pillars of safety, efficiency and quality.

The tie to the community also includes the trust and relationship that has been created over the years with Surgital. Our decision to partner with Eurovo is based on a shared ethical vision and commitment to excellence.
Our visit to their facilities confirmed the quality of the practices they adopt and the importance of a relationship based on mutual trust and value building.
We are proud to have a partner with whom we share many core values, in the knowledge that together we can offer our consumers high-quality, environmentally and community-friendly products.

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