Ingredients for 4 people
Panciotti® with aubergine and scamorza cheese
2 rabbits
1 round black aubergine
Fresh thyme
Extra virgin olive oil
Brussels sprouts
Rabbit stock
Parmigiano Reggiano
Rabbit loin: Separate the rabbit loin from the ribs, clean it from the white nerve, sear it in a hot pan, and finish in the oven for 5 minutes at 220°C. Scrape the ribs, roast them, and finish in the oven together with the loin. Peel the aubergine and wrap it in a foil sheet seasoned with oil, garlic, fresh thyme, and salt. Bake it in the oven for 25 minutes at 180°C, remove the thyme and garlic, chop and sauté the aubergine in a pan to dry it out. Season with salt and keep warm.
Cook the Panciotti® with aubergine and scamorza cheese. Separately, sauté the Brussels sprout leaves in a pan. Drain the Panciotti® and combine them in the pan with the Brussels sprouts and a bit of Parmigiano. Arrange on the plate, alternating the Panciotti® with the sliced rabbit. Garnish with the Brussels sprouts and rabbit stock.
Chef Massimiliano Mascia for the Master Show event on January 30, 2017. Palazzo di Varignana, Resort & Spa Varignana, Castel S.Pietro (BO).