Code F08

Gnocchi caserecci with chestnuts on a soft Pecorino fondue, wild asparagus sauce, and suckling pig pancetta



Ingredients for 4 people

320 g Gnocchi caserecci with chestnuts



100 g grated aged Sicilian Pecorino

50 g grated 36-month-aged Parmigiano Reggiano

200 g cream

2 siphon chargers

6 wild mint leaves



250 g fresh squared belly of black pig

50 g maple syrup

Fresh rosemary, sage, thyme, salt, and pepper to taste



150 g wild asparagus

50 g baby spinach leaves



Fresh herb sprigs

Dried cherry tomato halves


Mix the Pecorino with the Parmigiano and heat without bringing to a boil. After 10 minutes, quickly lower the temperature to 3°C and add the wild mint leaves. Cover and let rest in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve and charge into a siphon. Keep at approximately 55°C before serving.

Season the black pig belly with herbs, salt, pepper, and maple syrup, and vacuum-seal in suitable bags for cooking. Cook in a sous-vide bath at 61°C for 210 minutes. Cool, then cut into regular cubes. Wash and clean the wild asparagus and spinach, cook for a couple of minutes in boiling water, and cool in ice water. Drain and blend, adding EVO oil gradually. If necessary, add some cold vegetable broth. Strain through a fine-mesh sieve.

Cook the Gnocchi caserecci with chestnuts in boiling salted water, drain, and season with a drizzle of oil. Spread the asparagus sauce unevenly on the plate, leaving the center empty. Using the siphon, place the soft Pecorino fondue in the center and plate the gnocchi. Finish with the pancetta cubes previously warmed in the oven, and garnish with fresh forest herbs and confit cherry tomatoes.

Chef Davide Giambruno, Italian National Junior Chef


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