Ingredients for 4 people
12 Bauletti® with sheep’s ricotta and Sicily pistachios
1 spring onion
100 g peeled cherry tomatoes
q.s. chopped pistachios
q.s. garlic in shirt
q.s. salt, pepper, sugar
q.s. extra virgin olive oil
For the egg powder:
3 hard-boiled eggs
For the Bronte pistachio pesto:
50 g peeled pistachios
80 ml olive oil
25 g blanched parsley
25 g blanched basil
q.s. salt, pepper
q.s. ice
30 g Parmesan cheese
For the chickpea purée:
150 g soaked chickpeas
40 g celery
40 g carrot
30 g golden onion
egg powder
wild fennel
edible flowers
For the Bronte pistachio pesto: Blanch the pistachios for a few seconds, cool them in a blast chiller, blanch the parsley and basil, cool them in ice water, and squeeze well. Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend. The mixture should be grainy. Set aside.
For the chickpea purée: Cook the chickpeas like a common soup. Blend a good half and set aside.
For the egg powder: Extract the yolks from the hard-boiled eggs, pass them through a fine sieve, and dry them in the oven at 60°C for a few minutes.
Finishing: Sauté the spring onion and garlic in a pan, add the cherry tomatoes, then season with salt and pepper. Cook the Bauletti® and toss them with the sauce. Serve as shown in the photo.
Chef Massimo Mantarro for the Master Show event on March 27, 2017. Certosa dei Cavalieri, Acireale (CT).