Surgital’s commitment to the un 2030 goals continues, and also focuses on relations with the local community.

A model of responsible development that aligns perfectly with the UN 2030 Agenda, especially with the partnerships for the 17 goals. Numerous partnerships and acts of solidarity have been launched that support the community and a variety of local businesses. From the Fondazione Banco Alimentare of Emilia Romagna (Food Bank Foundation) to the Istituto Oncologico Romagnolo (Oncology Institute).

The tie to the community has always been a priority for Surgital. Founded in Lavezzola, Surgital has grown into the leading producer of frozen fresh pasta and considers its relations with the local area to be an integral part of its 2023-2025 three-year development plan, in which the ESG aspects play a fundamental role. The growth path which has led the company to becoming a benchmark for the food service, has gone hand in hand with the strengthening of partnerships geared towards the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda, especially the 17 Goals for Partnerships.

Since Surgital is a food sector enterprise, the commitment towards the local population mostly takes the form of activities promoting solidarity and food security, in line with Goal 2 – Zero Hunger. This is demonstrated in practice by constant support for organisations such as the Fondazione Banco Alimentare of Emilia-Romagna or the Municipality of Medicina (BO), Caritas and Ca’Nova in the preparation of meals for the less well-off. Regular collaborations also include annual participation in the ‘Sagra della Porchetta e del Tortellino’, whose proceeds go to the Istituto Oncologico Romagnolo, another organisation supported by the company and with which an agreement has recently been renewed until 2027.

Surgital firmly believes that the company and the local area must thrive together to enhance mutual values. An example of these close ties was the company’s readiness to keep its power plant up and running to supply energy to the population and compensate for the power outages caused by the terrible flooding a year ago in the Ravenna area.

Gestures of solidarity, that are not isolated, but rather reflect the company’s desire to be, and continue to be, an integral part of the local community, working for the common good.  The very first Open Day, recently held on 8 June, which was dedicated to employees and their families, involved local businesses which were exclusively tasked with organising the entertainment for the 500-plus guests in attendance. These included the Cooperativa Sociale La Pieve, which produced the gadgets for the day (and the Christmas gifts in December).


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