Building a cohesive and inclusive group: Surgital’s shared values

We realise that the real strength of a company lies in the people who make it up.

Consequently, we strive daily to create an inclusive workplace where every worker can grow in both a professional and personal capacity. Our goal is to build a cohesive and inclusive group that operates by sharing common values.

Corporate communication

It was with this goal in mind that a project was launched in the first six months of 2024 to involve staff through a scouting initiative to identify corporate ambassadors. These colleagues, some of whom were nominated and some volunteered, are in-house spokespeople who engage staff in and raise awareness about Surgital’s values and projects, fostering an open and constructive dialogue between the company and its growing number of collaborators.

Creating internal connection rings to reinforce the values of trust and transparency is essential for reaching all the branches of a complex and well-structured company, thus avoiding isolation and non-engagement. The decision to assign this task to ambassadors underscores the desire to add value to human capital by improving in-house communication and strengthening company ties.
This desire is also exemplified by this publishing project and the publication “Impasto”.

Learning about the work environment

The video filmed last year, entitled “Work with us“, is another significant step along our path. This project, resulting from the collaboration between the Marketing and HR departments, combines the friendly and engaging spirit of Emilia Romagna with a passion for food and socialisation. In the video, employees guide viewers through a typical day in the offices and production departments, showcasing their energy and participation. The video, which can be viewed in the “Work with us” section of our website, reflects our commitment to creating a well-balanced and collaborative work environment.

The Open Day: the meeting between communication, values and the workplace

The recent Open Day, which took place on 8 June, marked an important step along our path towards consolidating company values, both within our facilities and in our relationship with the local area. This event was the result of a significant investment, not only in financial terms, but also in terms of time and human resources, showcasing the company’s commitment to creating opportunities for socialising and sharing.

This day, originally planned for 2020, marked an important step along the path towards furthering our in-house communication. With the participation of about 500 guests, including employees and their families, the Open Day provided the opportunity to create a unique occasion in which we succeeded in conveying the company’s overall value system while strengthening our sense of identity through a recreational approach.

A series of panels asked a number of questions, the answers to which led to a clue on a treasure hunt which, in turn, included an informative exploration of all areas of the company, thanks to the Ambassadors’ coordinated organisation.

In addition to the treasure hunt, there were a variety of other games organised and managed by the managers of each company department. Games designed to provide a combination of fun and information: one focusing on the freezing process, one on the primary ingredients, one on the company’s brands, one on the geographical distribution of the sites and one also on energy sustainability, where the participants pedalled on bikes to produce energy.

The recreational section transformed the company into a playground for a day, with entertainment related to the region, including the “Italianisms” exhibition, a joint project with the Casa Artusi Foundation.
Even the catering activities reflected our ties to the region, with food trucks serving typical food and drinks from Emilia Romagna, allowing guests to recharge their batteries during this busy day.

A circular company welfare system

A work-life balance calls for a stable and sustainable work approach which looks after health and promotes overall employee welfare, thus reducing stress at work. There is no universal solution to achieving this balance since every individual has unique needs and preferences. It is, however, possible to find a way for everyone to express their preferences.

Which is why Surgital launched the company welfare system.
Created in collaboration with our partners in Cesena, the Surgital Welfare platform offers employees a wide range of options to meet everyone’s different needs and preferences. From refunds for educational expenses, social and healthcare support, public transport subscriptions, the purchase of vouchers for various services (beauty care, travel, sport and free time) and allocation of credit to pension funds. Services which improve quality of life both inside and outside the company.

By working with local partners, we not only offer high-quality services to our employees, but we also support economic initiatives within our community. A virtuous circle of mutual benefit based on our commitment to build a sustainable and prosperous future for everyone.
The platform is user-friendly and the HR department is always on hand to provide support and explanations.

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