Ingredients for 4 people
30 Bauletti® with sheep’s ricotta and Sicily pistachios Divine Creations Surgital
500 g of butter
100 g of pear distillate
300 g of Williams pear
10 zests of candied orange
20 fresh anchovies
1 lemon
1 orange
wild fennel, salt, pepper
extra virgin olive oil
Wash and peel the pears, cut part into mirepoix, and extract the juice from the remaining part. Dice the candied orange zests into regular cubes. Place the butter at room temperature in a mixer and whip until it becomes fluffy; add the pear distillate and pear extract; mix well and optionally add some pepper. Marinate the anchovies, after gutting and removing the central bone, with lemon zest, the juice and zest of an orange, salt, pepper, wild fennel, extra virgin olive oil, and salt. Cook the Bauletti® in plenty of salted water, drain them, and place them in a pan with the whipped butter without turning on the heat (with the heat of the pasta, the butter will melt and coat the Bauletti®). Place the Bauletti® on a plate, roll the anchovies and place them on the pasta; finish with diced Williams pear, orange zest, and pistachio.